Sunday, August 7, 2022

Looking out for the middle class

 Got to love the Democrats they are always trying to help the middle class,not. Our caring Democrat friends working to pass their Inflation reduction act which will probably cause more inflation and also lets the poor and middle class help by electric cars for people with far more money than we have. The dems complain about excess profits of big business and help the auto makers to excess profit by subsidizing vehicles that aren't ready to be sold on their own merits. 

More legislation is passed for no other purpose than to con the people into voting for them. Hopefully people see through the lies and make them pay at the polls just as we are paying at the pump and grocery etc.etc etc.


  1. Oh, we're hoping there's payment at the polls ;) but I'm hoping people actually do a bit of research before they vote. I remember back when there was a middle class :(

    1. Very few actually research, it all comes down to who can lie about the other guy more effectively on TV.

    2. My local folks research. It's really necessary if you're gonna claim the other side is lying and if you're gonna have some way to respond when the other side lies and misrepresents the position you take and the legislation that's under consideration.

      Of course, these days there are some who will refuse to vote for any republican no matter how small or local the office because of the extreme abortion positions being supported by anti-abortion Republicans.

    3. When you are talking about local folks do you mean the average voter in your area? When talking with younger people especially I find far too many woefully uninformed.

    4. When I say "my local folks" I mean the people I have regular contact with. These days that's mostly on Facebook since I don't get out much. Those folks are mostly older, and I agree the younger folks don't seem to understand how much all this matters. Except for abortion, and they all seem to understand how much _that_ matters.

    5. The young can all seem to understand anything until they start to think for themselves, they are going to mostly parrot what they have been told or follow the crowd.

    6. They seem disinterested in politics, which seems odd to me. The high school students seem more engaged with the issues than the young adults do.

    7. That was too broad a statement, of course. It's just reflective of my personal experience lately...

    8. All we really have is our own personal experiences. It kind of aligns with the increase in young adults that have no interest in leaving the nest and beginning adulthood. If you don't want adult responsibilities why would you care about politics.
