Saturday, January 23, 2021

Biden and unity

 Biden's big selling point during the campaign was his ability to unify and that he is not Trump. Yet He starts his administration with a slew of executive orders aimed at alienating half the country. This has been going on at least the last three administrations presidents essentially enacting legislation  without going through congress. There isn't many things more devisive than one person dictaing what 350 million people should be doing. When I was a kid I remember JFK's executive order where he enacted the presidents council on physical fitness. This is the type of thing that can be put into place by executive orders not major policy changes or treaties.

Unity will never come to a country or a president that demands everyone must do it my way.


  1. I'm not sure anyone can "unify" as long as they're still pushing that "we were robbed" lie. Reaching out requires someone reach back. It's yet to be seen whether or not anyone will reach back.

    Attempting unity does not require abandoning the platform he ran on.

    I'm not sure he's signed any executive orders that he didn't say he was going to during the campaign. None of the ones he's signed (that I know about) should be a surprise. I found this chart interesting:

  2. It doesn't really matter if he campaigned on his executive orders it's a poor way to govern and a recipe for disunity.

    1. Ah, well, but that's a different subject entirely whether or not executive orders are a good thing. Reaching out and working towards unity shouldn't requiring giving up the executive order. "I'll strive for unity" doesn't mean "I'll give up everything I said I'd do and do everything your way." Working together in union in a common cause doesn't mean there won't be disagreements. Of course, to accomplish this McConnell will hafta let a few things reach the Senate floor for debate.

      Did you hear the press conferences yesterday? The WH press secretary and Biden each answered questions on the unity issue.
