Friday, July 22, 2011


The last seven days have been spent on my son's roof. A simple tear off and re-roof was complicated by 90-98 deg temps and the need to replace most of the wood. Some of the wood was outright rotted away and some was borderline but being 3/8 plywood on 24" centers necessitated the wood replacement.

There is something satisfying about looking at a completed project and saying I did that with my own hands. Although it is not the ideal way to spend a vacation.

As a recommendation I would recommend buying a framing hammer if your going to be doing any amount of heavy hammering. The air nailer was also a big help it was the first time I had used one.


  1. It's been brutally hot here all week. I cannot imagine being on a roof in this weather.

  2. My son bought about 30 bottles of Gatorade a day plus water, so at least we weren't dehydrated.
