Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence day

Celebrating the birth of our great nation, almost everyone does. The question is are we celebrating independence from England and it's king and the liberty that followed or just the annual deluge of firecrackers and bottle rockets.

In arguing the budgetary problems maybe people should remember this fight for liberty and independence. Because every dollar we take from people in taxes infringes on their liberty. This is not the only infringement that happens the other infringement is the stealing of independence when we don't let people do for themselves. This is probably more insidious in that it creeps up on you over time. A family takes government assistance thinking it will only be temporary and then finds they can't do without the assistance. Stolen independence isn't limited to our personal lives. A story last weak in the Cleveland Plain Dealer highlighted a company who was subsidized in making parts for wind turbines. They were complaining about increased competition and the danger it posed to their business. The next day an article said they had declared bankruptcy. You see they had become to dependant on the government subsidy and not self reliant enough to fight off competition.

So remember freedom, independence, and liberty are more than words to describe our country they are the path to successful living.

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