Monday, March 15, 2010

President Obama comes to Strongsville

Luckily I still have a job and I am working steadily. However work precluded me from going to Obama's healthcare rally and hearing what he had to say. There were 1200 tickets available for the rally. It was set up so you just went to the event site on Sunday and asked for a ticket and you could attend. It turns out it didn't really matter that I had to work odds were against me or anyone getting a ticket. You see there were really according to local radio host Mike Trivisono only 200 tickets available the rest were given to local Democrats to give to party loyalists.

This is why politicians are so distrusted they can't even tell the truth about event planning. If this health care reform is so good it should be able to stand up to the scrutiny of the people. Sadly it obviously has flaws that our leaders see fit to try to hide from their constituency, Us.


  1. The Democrats are engaging in a very risky strategy. They'll take short-term damage if they can create a long-term program. As soon as health care "reform" is passed, it will need to be "fixed". Just like Social Security, Medicare, and public education need to be fixed. They're counting on the likelihood that a lot of the Americans who object to the reform package will insist upon it once it's been passed.

  2. Entitlement programs are the hardest to amend in any way. Because people always insist it is a God given right.
