Saturday, March 6, 2010

Picking winners

You might think I'm writing about horse races or basketball games you'd be wrong. In Ohio we have a commission PUCO that oversees utility rates. Approximately 100,000 families have complained to PUCO the Governor and anyone else that would listen about their increased electric bills. The electric company had removed a long standing discount given to all electric homes this was initially approved by PUCO. Well three cheers PUCO says the electric company has to reinstate the discount.

So what is the Electric companies solution. Their going to try for a rate increase on the rest of us. Personally I object to buying someone elses electricity.

Government's job is to set certain standards and laws so that we might function with as little friction as possible. Their job is NOT to pick winners and losers. When regulations are put in place that allows one customer to pay one price and another customer a second price we are letting them pick the winners.

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