Sunday, December 13, 2009


Two stories in Sunday's Cleveland Plain Dealer the first on the House passing a spending bill. Five pages later there is a story about the deepening worry over the ever increasing National debt. In the national debt story they talk about the need to raise the statutory debt ceiling to keep money flowing. When we all know we need to drastically cut spending to reel in this debt. A bi partisan commission to find ways to cut the debt has been proposed. Congress is against this because it would usurp their powers to tax and spend. In effect their power to control us is in jeopardy and they are worried.

The spending bill story stated that this bill covered spending for half the federal government. The bill increases funding by ten percent for the agencies covered.

Does any one else find it as ludicrous as I that they worry about debt but increase spending.


  1. Definitely ludicrous. They pay lip service to the mounting debt while taking no action to address the problem.

  2. I surprised that Congress would object to a bipartisan commission. Such bodies never accomplish anything, and members of Congress could give employment to their cronies by placing them on the commission.

    Here's now I would suggest starting to tackle the national debt. Eliminate:

    Department of Education
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Department of Labor
    Department of Commerce
    Social Security Administration

    None of these programs have a Constitutional basis, nor are they necessary.
