Sunday, November 8, 2009


A couple of days ago John posted about how people live their lives. Categorizing themselves in several ways based character development in role playing games. These categories included 9 character traits from lawful good to chaotic evil true neutral being in the middle.

Coming home from work Wednesday Dennis Prager stated if you are neutral in regard to something that is evil you are actually evil.

The Bible tells us in Matt 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. This would lead me to believe that everyone has an opinion. You can't be for a free market economy and Cap&Trade they are diametrically opposed.

My question is can any one be truly neutral. We can claim to be neutral but is this just being afraid to express an opinion. When we say we don't want to pick sides aren't we saying either we can't decide which side has more merit or we don't want to offend.

I think we would be better served by our leaders if they strove less for neutrality. For while being neutral in regards to political opinion might not be evil it certainly serves bad policy.


  1. Our political leaders often choose neutrality because that's how one wins elections. Swing voters tend to be in the center, to it pays to swing with them.

    But larger than this, can we be neutral, ever? Sure, we do it all the time. When you see two co-workers arguing and decide to stay out, you're being neutral. When you see people arguing over Bama vs. Auburn and decide that you totally don't care, you're being neutral. When you hear about a conflict in some distant part of the world and you have no opinion and no interest in forming one, you're being neutral.

    We all decide that there are some fights and issues not worth getting involved in. And whenever we do that, we're being neutral.

    You can't be for a free market economy and Cap&Trade they are diametrically opposed.

    I mostly agree, but I'd like to point out that most ideologies (well, every one that I can think of) will lead us into a hell of our own making if followed blindly and absolutely.

  2. John, you have a valid point concerning matters you or I simply don't care about.

    Of course this is equating neutrality with disinterest.

    The question then becomes aren't there somethings that demand our interest.
