Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I saw a poll this morning listing the states in order happiest to least happy.Utah was happiest, I live in Ohio we are #47.

It got me thinking I always assumed happiness was in our mindsets. That by simply thinking positively we can will ourselves to be happy. Oh I know sometimes this won't work but in general if we start with a smile it pushes us in the right direction.

So now I read this poll and it tells me here in Ohio being happy is tough. Can data like this be self fulfilling?

What the heck I'm going to go ahead and be happy anyway.


  1. I never trust these things as it seems the people behind the study have a predetermined desired outcome so you weight the categories to get the desired result.

  2. May I suggest the Happiness Hat to encourage this attitude? It detects whether or not you're smiling. And if you're not, it drives a small steel spike into the back of your head to encourage you to be happy.
