Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I'm a couple of days late for Father's day. Reading around the internet and watchng Tv and movies fathers tend to be cast as idiots. a society that consistently portrays any segment in this light is not very healthy.

Wisdom comes from our elders and experiences if our society is to act wisely we can not continue to knock out one of the pillars of wisdom.


  1. I'd like to see someone do a study on how the characterization of dads as bumbling fools has played into the marginalization of fathers. Politically correct Hollywood has realized that the father figure is a safe target so sitcoms usually portray dads as idiots. Add this to actions over the decades to marginalize dad by replacing him with a government check and the end result is bad for our society going forward.

  2. Bill, Hollywood does tend to sway people that's why the whole idea that right leaning talk shows on the radio need to be stopped is absurd. More people watch tv or movies than listen to talk radio by a huge margin.

  3. I agree with Bill. Much of pop culture marginalizes men in such a way that would be scandalous if the gender roles were reversed.
