Sunday, June 27, 2021

Strange logic

A recent poll  by the AP NORC center for public affairs shows a majority of people believe abortion should be legal in the 1st trimester with no exceptions. The same poll shows a majority of people believe it should  be illegal for the 2nd two. 

You can argue legal or illegal but when you say it's okay now but not later you are being totally illogical. When is age the determinant factor for the morality of killing someone. 

Of course logic is not the most common trait of human beings is it?


  1. Well, it's not "killing someone" so there's that ;)

    1. I do agree with you that if you buy the argument that abortion is "killing someone" then consistency requires you oppose it in all cases and at all stages. Consistency would also require a close look at fertility clinics and the many fertilized eggs discarded there. Consistency would require tracking every miscarriage (and so many pregnancies end in miscarriage) to determine whether something the woman had done caused her to miscarry. I just don't buy into that view. It's not "killing someone". I'll not argue for my opinion here.

  2. Your usually open to debate so I will respect your need let this alone.

    1. I'm open to debate, but I feel odd taking up the space on your blog to defend abortion :) When I see any evidence that abortion in general is "killing someone" I'll have something to debate against, but until then I'm just stuck on why it's only the fetuses inside women who want abortions that get protection while fertility clinics and miscarriages get a pass. Either it's "killing someone" or it's not.

      I do appreciate you taking a consistent approach, though, instead of saying that how the woman got pregnant in the first place is the key.

  3. Sorry I left a to out between need and let.

  4. I don't know how prevalent the problem is with fertility clinics but comparing miscarriages with abortions is a stretch. There is life inside the woman before she has an abortion and there isn't after to me that is killing someone, you just don't know their name.

    1. What happens to fertilized eggs at fertility clinics is an important issue if you believe each one is a life worthy of legal protection. Don't just focus on the ones inside women.

      "There is life inside the woman before she has an abortion" _or_ a miscarriage, so what causes the miscarriage is key if you consider the loss of that life a death of a person. If a woman who has an abortion has "killed someone" then what caused the miscarriage should be investigated just as much as any other death.

      It's a key point that some fertilized eggs get so much more attention than others.

  5. I don't get your preoccupation with miscarriages most miscarriages are not caused by any external force. People that support abortion seem to want to dehumanize the baby in order to justify the intentional destruction of the unborn.

    1. I'm less preoccupied with miscarriages than I am focused on people like you who are quick to point out the "strange logic" of those who support 1st term abortions while being blind to their own inconsistency of opposing all induced abortions no matter how early while not caring at all about fertility clinics and miscarriages. Some fertilized eggs are more equal than others, it seems, and the ones that are deliberately aborted by medical professionals are the ones the "pro-life" folks focus on. Singularly focus on. It's a blind spot, this laser focus on the women who decide to have a legal medical procedure while ignoring the numbers of fertilized eggs destroyed by fertility clinics. That's dismissed as something they just don't know much about. You're at least consistent in seeing the fertilized eggs inside women are all deserving of protection, but they aren't the only fertilized eggs out there by a long shot.

    2. Oh, but wait, you're not saying every fertilized egg inside a woman is deserving of legal protection, just the ones a woman wants to abort. It's a narrow focus, ignoring most of the fertilized eggs out there.

  6. Whatever lets you sleep at night. bringing up other issues doesn't change what happens during an abortion. In fact your whole argument seems to hinge on what you would call what aboutism.

    People talk about the stain of slavery but I wonder if abortion's stain isn't equally pervasive. From poisoning the political environment to destroying the sanctity of life , perhaps we wouldn't have so much gun violence if life was thought to be worthy of defense. No way of knowing what could have happened in the last almost 50 years from the minds of our thrown away children. Some 50 million lives wiped in the name of woman's right to choose ranks right up there with Stalin and Hitler and the other great destroyers of life.

    1. I'm pointing out your own inconsistency in a post where you make a point out of calling the inconsistency of others "strange logic". Your laser focus on women seeking a legal medical procedure while ignoring all the other lost fertilized eggs you admit you don't know about is telling. The issue isn't the protection of fertilized eggs so much as the control of women. If it were about fertilized eggs and a concern over their loss there would be as many protests at fertility clinics as there are at health clinics.

      If you're satisfied with this idea that some fertilized eggs are worthy of protection while others can just be blithely ignored, then -as you say- "whatever lets you sleep at night".

  7. Your too smart to use your current argument , just because I am not aware of all the details of fertility clinics doesn't make abortion right or moral. People can only advocate for righting the wrongs that they are aware of introducing a new wrong doesn't make the first wrong right.
