Saturday, June 19, 2021

A couple of random thoughts

 So president Biden has declared June Nineteenth as a national holiday, congress passed his declaration with little opposition. Those opposed argued that we don't need any more racial holidays, that we we should not look for differences but things that unite us. What a pile on BS total nonsense if we can't be proud of ending slavery what can we be proud of. My objection is more pragmatic do we really need another day where federal employees get paid for sitting home. Businesses for the most part ignore many of the ever growing list of holidays because they have to pay their employees with their own money.

Which brings me to my second observation Leonard Pitts wrote an opinion piece this week claiming paying taxes was not only the law but a patriotic duty. It might have been true at one time but what started out as taxation  has become something more akin to theft. When the purpose of taxes becomes a way to take money out one persons pocket and put it directly into someone else's pocket it's hard to feel patriotic about it.


  1. Oh, dear, the "taxation is theft" cry. I play in that sandbox on Facebook lol, so will leave you alone on it here ;)

    1. Not all taxation I was pretty clear when you arbitrarily pick an income say 400,000 dollars and say only the people above or below are going to pay and then your going to give it to someone else, that is theft. Any tax inequally applied leads to system where people vote believing in Santa Clause or the tooth fairy. People will vote for bread and circuses all day long if they don't have to pay for it. It skews the way people vote and changes the nature of our country.

      If you want to vote for something you should be willing to pay for it.

    2. Santa Clause or the tooth fairy? lol No, taxation isn't theft. It's a lot of things, but it isn't theft. But I burned out on that discussion with the libertarians and sovereign citizen nuts on FB, who don't seen to understand the concept of a social contract and where rights to property and such come from.

      Happy Father's Day!

    3. Thank you,

      I won't beat a dead horse but just because people vote for something doesn't mean it's just part of the social contract. By your way of looking at it why don't we just vote to divy up Gates, Bezos, and Buffet,s wealth and end poverty. I'm not being obtuse but when I exaggerate like that it's pretty obvious that it wouldn't be right or moral.
