Sunday, July 14, 2013


This past week there have been several news columns accusing Republicans of being afraid that the affordable health care act would succeed. The reasoning goes like this with the healthcare reform moving through implementation all the vitriol must be because people see it working and are afraid of voter backlash.

First off lets define some of what was being fixed in our health care system. I believe there were two issues driving the health care debate from the beginning one was the number of uninsured people and two was the cost. At the start of the debate it was said that there were approximately 40 million uninsured of course many were young and healthy and didn't really care one way or the other about having insurance. this 40 million represents about 13 percent of the population so while it seems like a large number it is a rather small percentage. The second part of the equation was expense and I don't think anyone would argue that health care was cheap or is cheap.

So where are we today there are still many people without insurance and many estimates say we will have millions of uninsured even after full implementation. I can't speak for everyone but every year since the initial passage of Obamacare my health insurance premiums have gone up and the coverage has gone down.So less affordable and still people that are uninsured. We aren't afraid of success we would welcome that because we can see that it is all ready a failure.


  1. "every year since the initial passage of Obamacare"

    to be fair, obamacare has still not been fully implemented.

    i don't think obamacare really makes either "side" happy. it didn't deal with the cost of health care, did it? and i'm not sure how well requiring places of employment to provide health insurance for more employees will help. i wish we could disconnect health insurance from the workplace altogether.

    i'm happy to see the issues of exclusion for pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps on coverage dealt with, but i don't think anyone would argue that the bill that passed is the answer to all our health care problems or even all our health insurance problems.

  2. That is exactly the point it still isn't fully implemented which is truly frightening. Because as each year goes by and more is implemented the costs increase at an ever more alarming pace. This shows the plan for the folly that most of us saw coming. When you put in place a plan to benefit so few at the expense of the majority of the population a mistake has been made.
