Sunday, October 17, 2010

Somthing to think about

The other day on the news I saw Dennis Kucinich speaking on government and why he should be re-elected. Much of it was the usual political clap trap not really saying anything. There was one statement that got me thinking, He said the purpose of government is to do for people what they can't do for themselves. This immediately makes me think of roads or defense but it has come to mean much more than that in fact Kucinich's list included housing, health care, and food.

Now one of the beauties of our nation are found in the words of our founding fathers all men are created equal endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think I can state that most people will agree whole heartedly with the above sentiment. Why then do people insist that things like Housing and food or even health care are the states responsibility. Being that all men are created equal and also agreeing that the state should take care of the things that people can't do on their own. Means that in the vast majority of cases people shouldn't be provided by the state with any of these things because we have example all across the nation of people providing for their selves in these areas. We are created equal and our opportunities should be equal this is the states responsibility. When the state decides to provide basics to people not only do they distort the budget they steal opportunities from people. People lose the opportunity to do for them selves stealing their chance to feel the satisfaction of achievement that is available to everyone who puts their mind to it.

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