Saturday, October 16, 2021


 There have been a number of stories recently accusing people of  racism, homophobia, transphobia,sexism, or any any other ism you can think of all  wanting us to believe the accused are horrible people. Some of these people maybe all of them may truly be horrible people but most of these stories don't tell us what was said or what was done except in vague statements. How are we to know  without accurate quotes, an accusation without evidence is slander. Sometimes accusers are thin skinned or the media are trying to push an agenda. If your going to accuse give evidence and context to  the accusation so we really know what is going on.


  1. I"m sure you realize direct quotes of racist statements are inflammatory, and I don't blame the media for not reporting them unless the accused is an elected official or such. I remember when they would *bleep* Trump's language, and I always thought that was ridiculous.

    I assume you have that coach in mind? I've been wondering what exactly it was he said...

  2. Jon Gruden is the most recent but there have been so many more that it is hard tio name them all. I would hope any comments that are used to ruin someone's life are inflammatory. I would also hope that people are grown up enough to hear inflammatory statements that are not directed at anyone in particular so that people can be informed and educated. Perpetual grievance and hurt feelings are not good for anyone.
