Saturday, April 24, 2021


 You have to wonder how anyone would believe anything a Democrat politician says they can't even stick to one name they used to be liberals now their progressives. Democrats claim to be for the working class and wanting to fight income inequality or the ever widening gap between rich and poor. Yet every time I hear a proposal from the left it is detrimental to the middle class worker. Take Biden and his climate pledge, it all sounds good until the bill comes in everyone wants a clean healthy environment but at what cost. In order to reach his carbon reduction goals most cars will have to be electric and most power plants will have to stop burning fossil fuels. So what's the cost, I 've been looking at maybe getting a new car and the cost differential between gas and electric is any where from 8,000 to 17,000 dollars. Now for most working class people this puts owning a car almost completely out of reach and this is just one small part of the added expenses coming from the climate worriers. 

Maybe lies is too strong of a word well intentioned but ignorant assuming they can see all the consequences of their good intentions might be more accurate. One things for sure no politician cares about my wallet as much as I do.

It's going to be a long 4 years hide your wallet and hold on tight


  1. I know what kind of thing to expect when someone starts by calling us "Democrat" rather than Democratic (which, after all, is the actual party name lol).

    "Liberal" and "progressive" are not 2 words for the same thing but are different.

    The current difference in cost between gasoline-powered and electric vehicles is no indication of future costs.

    And I agree "lies" is too strong for the purposes of discussion of what the effect of future policies might be. I mean, what can the Democrat, liberal, or progressive who supports the middle class and objects to the wealthy-friendly tax cuts enacted by the trickle down Republicans say when they're responding to having their support for the middle class called a lie?

    1. When a party claims to support the middle class but continually puts forth policies which hurt the middle class and encourage wealth disparity what should it be called. Even the so called taxes on only the richest is a lie. When you tax the rich excessively the ones who truly pay are the middle class working people who end up paying more for goods and services. Obama Care may have helped a small segment of society but destroyed the health insurance of many more middle class people and helped move middle class people closed to being needy. The latest scheme being hatched is to take (tax) a portion from each investment transaction to fund free college. Let's take from a large portion of the population who didn't go to college to allow others to go for "free".

      If the technology advances to where electric cars make sense great but the government forcing the issue at the expense of the average person ability to get around is wrong. A lot to risk on the speculation of possibility of climate "disaster" and the scientist aren't even sure these efforts will mitigate climate problems.

      Liberal and progressive are not two names for the same thing but the vast majority of Democratic politicians abandoned the term liberal for progressive because the polls said progressive was more palatable to the electorate.

      The greatest way to increase prosperity is to work and the Democratic party doesn't seem to understand this because they are constantly encouraging less work.

    2. "policies which hurt the middle class and encourage wealth disparity"? That's what you're accusing Democrats of promoting? When Republicans continue to promote trickle-down policies that have never worked? Taxing the rich hurts the middle class is a claim I'd need to see evidence for. And the rest... I think we're not even going to begin to have a constructive discussion on this issue. Your view of Democrats is just too entrenched in misunderstanding and stereotype. "constantly encouraging less work"? *sigh*

  2. What would you call insisting on bonus unemployment for people of from the covid. Every where you go there are help wanted signs but we are paying people extra not to take these jobs.

    Entrenched in misunderstanding is an interesting statement from someone using the term trickle-down economics. Trickle-down economics is derogatory title placed on Reagan idea that a rising tide raises all boats. The idea that the rich are just dropping a few bread crumbs to the peons.

    1. We need to raise the minimum wage with inflation. As prices have risen over the years but minimum wage has not and as 2 or 3 part-time jobs have replaced full-time jobs in businesses to avoid providing the benefits that full-time jobs require, even full-time work doesn't provide enough money to live on any more. If you're saying that people don't want to work at jobs that don't pay enough to live on, well, I'd agree with that. That's a far cry from saying Democrats "are constantly encouraging less work."

      That you consider the term derogatory doesn't mean I don't understand it. Reagan is not even where "trickle-down" comes from. Bush called it "voodoo economics," didn't he ;) and that Republican-coined term suits me if you prefer it to trickle-down.

    2. Minimum wage is constantly brought up as the reason poverty rate is too high. A federal minimum wage makes absolutely no sense what is appropriate in New York or California is in no way appropriate in Ohio or Mississippi. The cost of living is too disparate across the country and even within states. Minimum wage also tends to penalize the competent to reward the inept. Any where that wants good employees pays the competent a better wage but when the state mandates more for the new hire or the less competent it causes employers to raise up the salaries of the better works much more slowly if at all. Minimum wage is a starter salary and raising it is an attack on the middle class. Just like Obama care was an attack on the middle class giving health insurance to those who didn't have but gutting the plans of middle class Americans. You tell me when has one of these grand schemes helped middle America.

  3. "Minimum wage also tends to penalize the competent to reward the inept." "Obama care was an attack on the middle class..." Oh, dear, I don't even know where to begin lol

  4. You laugh if only the people hurt by the unintended consequences could laugh as well.

    1. I'd hope you'd realize it's my inability to know where to start in responding to your comments and not the poor people being hurt by the way things are.

    2. I'm sure you don't wish anybody harm but who can resist a good line :)
