Thursday, December 24, 2020

Why Congress Sucks

 Why our legislature sucks or at least why we perceive congress in a bad light. It seems that every piece of legislation that is passed in recent memory is so large and covering so many different issues that no one knows what has been enacted. This allows the elected official of low character to hide legislation that most people would find repugnant. If a politician can't stand up and say what they are for, maybe all they are for is themselves.

Take this latest Covid relief bill not only did they snipe and play politics while people were hurting they also used it for cover for a spending bill so full of pork you would think we were running a surplus. So while all the talk was how much unemployment help or economic stimulus to give was going on they sneak through the spending bill. Even the senators and congressmen didn't know what they were voting for. Let's stop the games, slow down and give these bills a chance at a fair hearing and reasoned debate before we put them to a vote.


  1. Amen! If the people were able to vote on an amendment to the Constitution requiring bills be limited to a single subject and that they must be posted online 72 hours before a vote could be held, that amendment would be overwhelmingly approved.

  2. Agreed that a bill should be about a single thing. They'd be quick to write, quick to consider, and quick to get an up or down vote on. Then they could move on to the next single-subject bill.
