Sunday, November 15, 2020


 Safety is a goal we all shoot for ourselves and families. Governmental safety in a free society is a no win situation. Throughout the past year government, churches, schools, and businesses to varying degrees have been working at trying to achieve the impossible. They are trying to provide absolute safety, and failing miserably. 

 Why are they failing and do we want them to succeed. Failure comes for a variety of reasons, incomplete information ,half measures,stubbornness , and ignorance. Even with the measures implemented we've seen massive amounts of side effects, increased homelessness, people with insufficient food, suicides, overdoses, and businesses destroyed. What was achieved nothing except a bunch of politicians get to tell us how hard they are working to keep us safe, chasing the impossible. Because the only way to achieve absolute safety is to give up our free society and allow them to impose draconian lock downs. Not what we have been seeing in some parts of the country, no exceptions, no excuse everyone at home 2-3 weeks .Even with that scenario people would die. Because only we can decide how safe we are going to be we can't keep Darwin Award winners safe.

Safety at all costs or freedom at all costs if I have to choose I want to be closer to freedom.


  1. We do all kinds of things in the name of safety without thinking of them as restricting our freedom.

    I don't think anybody is aiming at absolute safety but just making an effort to slow the spread. Cases keep going up :( More people keep dying :(

  2. Worrying about a disease that is highly fatal may warrant all the hype covid is not significantly more deadly than some seasonal flus. Especially now that they have a handle on how to treat it now. Deaths and hospitalizations don't seem to be rising in the same proportions as in the spring in comparison to positive tests. Give people the info and let them decide how safe they need to be.
