Saturday, November 19, 2011

Joe Biden

Joe Biden visited Cleveland this week. He was looking to capitalize on the voting down of SB5 a bill aimed at public employee unions. The bill would have given communities more leverage in dealing with the unions by only allowing collective bargaining over wages. Biden called this a victory not for unions but the middle class. My question is what about all the middle class people who aren't in the public unions. Did they win by getting to fund much more lucrative pensions and benefit packages that are not sustainable at the current tax levels.


  1. Good question. Voting down Issue Two is actually an endorsement of the status quo. For union big wigs the status quo is all about enriching themselves on monthly dues paid by the rank and file. While union workers get lucrative pay and benefit packages, the union leadership are the real winners and they are all pulling down seven figure salaries and are far from middle class.

  2. As much as I disagree with you on most things... and as much as I am usually pro-union... I have to agree that the public sector unions are a bad, bad idea.

    Here in NY, they are causing much damage. Fiscally, yes, and that's a very big deal. But even more important to me, unions have allowed abuse and neglect to run rampant in the human services agencies that serve people with disabilities in NY. Very bad stuff.
