Sunday, August 22, 2010

Green Government

A while back I wrote about installing a rain barrel. The greenness of the rain barrels can be debated but mine work because they were cheep enough to make me try them.
Another example of green living is recycling. A year ago the company we contract with to pick-up our trash changed the way they function. They issued us two garbage cans that can be automatically grabbed by the truck and dumped. While I didn't like it at the time it forced me to recycle. You see they only gave me 2 cans and one was for recycling. Sometimes one can isn't enough so I began recycling or at least expanded. You see I always sorted out aluminum and cashed it in myself. The trash company also offered a rewards program for those who chose to recycle, after a year the points add up to almost a ten dollar gift card.

Now when the government goes green things work differently 1st there was the cfl mistake. This was the plan to give away the inferior bulbs and raise every ones electric bill to pay for the free bulbs and to compensate the electric company for the reduced electrical work. This was not entirely the electric companies plan they must work with a utility commission to set rates.

The latest from Cleveland is that they want to put electronic chips in the garbage cans to monitor garbage and the amount of recycling. They have already run a pilot program on 15,000 residence, Wednesday they voted to issue 25,000 new cans a year at a cost of 2.5 million dollars each year. They plan to monitor who is using their recycle can and who isn't, anyone who doesn't will get a call from the garbage police. Garbage police is my term actually the service department will come and go through the non recyclers garbage and if more than 10% is recyclable they will receive a $100 dollar fine.

Is it just me or does so much of the governments greenness seem an awful lot like big brother is watching.

1 comment:

  1. They may have good intentions, but if it leads to crap like some inspector going through our trash then those good intentions are clearly just paving the path to hell. Sure people should recycle and there are probably things that could be done to encourage folks to separate their trash. Down here, our trash collection company charges more to collect the recycling which means they are discouraging recycling. I take ours to a recycling dumpster, but I'm sure most folks don't bother sorting and paying a second collection fee.

    Bottom line on environmental products like the goofy light bulbs is if it is a better product then it wouldn't need a government subsidy. Same thing with the garbage battery operated car. $8K tax incentive to buy a crappy $41K car? Huh? So, it is a tax cut for rich liberals with environmental angst.
