Saturday, May 1, 2010


There is a list for practically everything on the web. I like lists there is a certain orderliness to them. I also like to compare my likes and dislikes with other peoples. I like scifi and I've seen lists of scifi authors,and series of books ,future histories, and alternate histories and others. Here's a short list of Dystopian books.

1. 1984 by Orwell
2. Brave New World by Huxley
3. Lord of the Flies by Golding

Feel free to add your own in the comments.

I read an article recently asking whether we are now or are we heading into a Dystopia. They called it the salt Dystopia based on a proposed law restricting added salt in restaurants. I believe all politicians think they are moving our society to a more perfect place. The question is are they right in this assumption.

Lincoln undoubtedly moved our society forward when he helped to push us away from slavery ending in it's abolition. LBJ even spelled it out as his goal during the civil rights era of the 60's. He called it the Great Society the idea was to end poverty and put everyone on an equal footing. Many people now see Johnson's policies as a failure, because many of the the people are now poorer and less educated.

The Obama administration also thinks they are moving us towards that utopian society. With health care for all and wealth more fairly distributed. How is this happening with health care that that is largely unfunded and with government poking it's nose into day to day operations of businesses, G.M., Chrysler, and the insurance companies. Obama himself gives a picture of the kind of world he sees through a statement he made in a speech last week in Quincy Illinois. Paraphrasing he said I think at a certain point people have just made enough money. Money isn't the only issue though it's an over all intrusiveness into our daily lives.

So beware the utopia we know not where it leads.


  1. "Feel free to add your own in the comments."

    I'll limit my list to 3, too, but I'll pick different ones than you did:

    Oryx and Crake
    Cloud Atlas

    I won't argue with your politics. ;)

  2. Divers, Thanks that will give me something to look for at the library.
