Saturday, May 30, 2009


Everyone seems concerned with Supreme Court nominee Sandra Sotomayor's appearance of racism from a speech she gave in the past. She basically stated that her experiences as latino women would allow her to make the proper judgments more often than a white man.

President Obama stated Friday 5-20 that she was simply saying that the hardships and experiences of her life would help her understand other peoples struggles. This is what makes a good judge according. to the President.

First off what really makes a good judges is knowing the law without an understanding of the constitution and U.S. history you can't make proper judgements. Secondly you must be able to set aside personal feelings and interpret the laws as they were written. Society can't function properly if judges can't stick to these simple guidelines so that people know the parameters within they must operate.

Now I don't know enough about Sotomayor's record to say that she doesn't know the law but President Obama told us she will judge based on her experiences and feelings.

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