Monday, March 26, 2012


The Bible tells us to rejoice in the Lord always, but rejoicing is not always easy. Lately I have been felling old and wore out. Sore feet, stiff muscles and just plain tired. Making it hard to exercise which is something I really enjoy. Today however I found a reason to rejoice in getting older, my son informed me that come November I will be a grandpa.

Joy is always there sometimes we just don't realize it.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


We went to a free concert at the North Ridgeville Public Library with some friends Sunday. The group was called 7 Mile Isle and the main focus was the steel drums. I had never knowingly heard the steel drums so didn't know what to expect. The drums create a sound that is not what you would expect with bell like sounds that are very melodic. The steel drums are the focal point for reggae and Carribean music in general.

We had a good time and would recommend a steel drum concert to any music lover.